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There are approx. 25,000 species of orchids in the world with roughly 50 being commonly found in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Nerium oleander
foliage from Botany Bay, US Virgin Islands
Caribbean view
Botany Bay, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
Plumeria & Pseudosphinx
Botany Bay
BB Orchid
There are approx. 25,000 species of orchids in the world with roughly 50 being commonly found in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Palms of the US Virgin Islands
Palms are symbolically important in the Caribbean
bright colors associated with the plant are pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow
bright colors associated with the plant, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow
Sea shells in stone work
Characteristic of the US Virgin Island architecture is the inlay of beautiful Caribbean sea shells in the stone work.
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